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  • תמונת הסופר/תChen, Special mum

Keeping it simple.

Have you ever been to the Netherlands?

If you have you probably remember the fields of tulips. So many beutiful and colorful tulips all around, driving for hours through colorful fields.

What I moslty rememeber about the last trip is the flowers and the quiet. the simpleness. The "I don't need to think about anything but enjoy the view"

Of course I was much younger then and no children in sight, or in thought.

Life was much simpler then, when I could travel and only think of flowers. When I could dream of my ub born children and imagine how they will turn out.

No mum dreams of a special child. No mum want's a hard life.

Yes, I miss the simpleness in things. Simple trips, simple thoughts, simple dreams...

I still take the time to stop and smell and admire beautiful flowers, I just appreceate them much more now....

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