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  • תמונת הסופר/תChen, Special mum

How to go on a trip with a special child

I admit it. I hate going on trips with the kids. there is always someone crying or yelling or not happy that ruins it for the rest. But I cant keep them in the whole weekend... so I decided to give it another try- but this time I came prepared!

1. Planning and reminding- I started talking about the trip a few days ahead, preparing him and also making dure he knows where and when we are going. Once he knows he feels safer and calmer. when I put him to bed I reminded him that we have a trip the next morning, and then in the morning when I woke him up . I went over the trip details on the way so there will be no surprises.

2. Responsibility- I gave him responsibility so he would be a part of the trip. he had to read about the place and tell us what he learned. also, like on every trip we go- we took a garbage bag with us and collected trash as we went in order to leave the place cleaner for other travelers.

3. Discovering time- throught the trip and during the stops- I let him choose what interests him and let him discover by himself. I show him the boundaries he can play and walk to and let him choose what to see, touch, learn. You can bring a plastic box and collect rocks and leaves and sand and make a scrap book from your trip. Remember- as much as you want to teach them- this is the best way they will learn, by trying and discovering alone. some of it may seem foolish or even obvies to you- but not to them!

4. Play time- every time we made a stop- I said how long it will be and what will come after. This is the time he can do whatever he wants. he chose to sit on a big tree and watch other people around us. Let them! whatever they choose, arrange the time and adjust.

Just remember- when packing your bags in the morning- ot bag extra loads of patience :-)

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